What is Corporate Simplification?

This blog discusses the benefits of corporate simplification, highlighting how reducing excessive corporate entities can enhance efficiency, reduce compliance burdens, and minimize risks.

Large group structures can place a disproportionate burden on management resources. Maintaining too many corporate entities may also result in unnecessary duplication, and onerous compliance, and present additional risks in a constantly changing regulatory environment.

Corporate Simplification Roadmap

The simplification process is straightforward and extremely cost-effective. We work directly with management teams to identify unnecessary, non-core and underperforming entities within your group and then produce a road map to a simplified structure. Working closely with our tax and regulatory experts, we also ensure that there are no financial or regulatory disincentives to the proposed transformation to ensure that we deliver meaningful change to your operation and its effectiveness.

How can we help you with the simplification of your business?

Our team will assist you in all phases of the process – from maximising value to the ultimate beneficiaries, to advising you on how to wind down companies that are non-core or dormant. We will help you plan a structure to optimise the group’s tax position, reduce its legal and financial reporting burden and maximise value from assets and entities which are surplus to requirements. We will execute the structural changes on your behalf, freeing up management time for your finance and compliance teams to deliver long-term cost savings.

For more information, please contact the MyBusinessSupport team.

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Brendan Clarkson

Brendan has more than 25 years of experience in corporate lending and insolvency.

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